Position Description

Senior Project Manager - External Consultant until December 2024
Location Geneva
Job Code 8978
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  • Detail plan stream activities and validate with overall planning and milestones
  • Manage project resources
  • Collect and provide project status
  • Manage stream scope and coordinate scope changes
  • Manage and coordinate cross team collaboration
  • Prepare, coordinate and manage project & steering committees
Master Degree
Technical skills:
Years of experience:
7-10 : senior
Exper. in financial sector:
Experience required:
Experience in projectmanagement, ideally with afocus on core systems and/ortrading platform implementationand integration projects. Knowledge of banking and financial markets. Ability to manage teamsconsisting of technical andfunctional experts (SMEs). Good communication skills tointeract with SMEs and otherprogram members. Ability to align the program with the overall business strategy and goals of the organization. Ability to manage projects in a hybrid agile/waterfall environment.
Local resident (Swiss):
Language 1:
Level 1:
Language 2:
Level 2:
Language 3:
Level 3:
Personal skills:
Strong work ethic Focus on teamwork Business-oriented, service and quality Rigorous and structured
• Excellent project management skills including prioritization, scheduling, and documentation. • Ability to build strong relationships and communicate effectively with internal and externalstakeholders. • Strong grasp of current communication, project tracking, budget management technologies. • Excellent meeting, workshop, and conference facilitation skills, with proven knowledge of how tofoster attendee participate and collaboration in small and large groups. • Knowledge and experience of with different project management frameworks, including waterfalland agile. • Solid technical understanding and ability to defi ne and refi ne requirements through a projectlifecycle. • Employs strong analytical and problem-solving skills to manage shifting priorities, demands andtimelines. • Ability to quickly learn, understand and apply new technologies. • Positive, can-do attitude with the ability to succeed in a fast-paced work environment.
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