Position Description

Client Documentation Specialist
Location Geneva
Job Code 8857
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Day to day business
  • Review the documentation received from the clients for certain change in circumstances on an existing account or an account closing and verify that it complies with the local and international regulations (e.g. CDB20, Common Reporting Standards (CRS) and FATCA/QI rules) and the Bank's directives and procedures from (a formal point of view (e.g. the correct version of the document is signed, all the required fields have been completed) and (ii) that the information is consistent across the documents provided by the clients (IDs, corporate documents, bank's forms, etc…)
  • Verify that the information entered in the Bank's systems by the Wealth Management is complete according to the documentation signed
  • Perform 4 eyes controls and regular internal controls to ensure respect of the procedures
  • Ensure a good quality of service by providing accurate feedback to the Wealth Management on any error, missing document and answering in a timely manner to any query related to his/her mission and duties
  • Receive and digitize incoming mails to the attention of Relationship Managers
  • Verify the signature on mails and instructions received from clients
  • Digitize clients account documentation amendments and opening
  • Reconcile and update scanning activity monitoring
  • Verify closing instructions

Coordination and central point of contact
  • Build a bridge and create synergy within the Client Documentation team and other key players (Legal, Compliance, IT…), create/maintain an efficient flow of communication that ensures all remain aware of important information and that it is consistent.
  • Act as a business partner by bringing his/her expertise and the relevant support and input to the other departments of the bank (Wealth Management, Compliance, Legal…) when required (on a complex situation, on the implementation of new regulations or bank's decisions, new projects)
  • Coordinate efforts to help a smooth flow in the processes and always seek for improvements
  • Facilitate problem solving and collaboration
  • Create an environment oriented to trust, open communication and cohesive team effort

Projects and Change management
  • Be up to date on any changes in the regulations, perform the assessment for internal changes, communicate with the relevant departments involved and to the team, implement them or launch projects, requests to IT as needed
  • Participate in any project impacting the team, either required by a new regulation or initiated by the Bank, hence participate to workshops, meetings, upon the management delegation (for defining the business requirements, performing the testings, and any other required tasks)
  • Involve the other team members as required
  • Participate in the change management within the team by communicating proactively on the various projects and accompany the team in the change
  • Make sure that the procedures and processes are updated accordingly and communicated to all stakeholders, including the Client Documentation teams within the different branches
Bachelor Degree
Technical skills:
Microsoft office
Years of experience:
3-7 : intermediate
Exper. in financial sector:
Experience required:
Local resident (Swiss):
Language 1:
Level 1:
Language 2:
Level 2:
Language 3:
Level 3:
Personal skills:
  • Solid organization and time management skills
  • Ability to efficiently manage priorities
  • Express opinions and criticism in a constructive way
  • Attention to detail
  • Challenges:
    Maintain composure in all circumstances (work under pressure with high volume and tight deadlines). Act as a valuable business partner vis-à-vis the other departments (Front Office, Compliance, IT, …) by bringing expertise and proactivity.
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